Sunday 18 January 2015


ആന വിശേഷം 

Pambady rajan is the tallest kerala elephant.Pambady rajan is under the category of modern elephants, he is born and brought up in kerala forests.

ധീരനും, ബലവാനും, മനുഷ്യസ്നേഹിയുമായ  ഒരു മൃഗമാണ്‌ ആന.
ആനകൾക്ക്‌ ജാതിയുണ്ടോ?  ആനകളെ ചാതുർവർണ്യ പ്രകാരം നാലായി തിരിക്കാമെന്നു തന്നെയാണ് ആനവിദഗ്ദ്ധരുടെ അഭിപ്രായം.  വീരശൂരത്വും  ബുദ്ധിശക്തിയും പെരുമാറ്റ ഗുണവുമോക്കെയാണ്‌ വിഭജനത്തിന്റെ മാനദണ്ഡം.
അസാധാരണമായ തലയെടുപ്പ്, തലക്കട്ടി, വിരിവാർന്ന നെറ്റിത്തടം, പുഷ്ടമായ ശരീരഭംഗി, വലിയ കൊമ്പുകളും ചെവികളും ആനയെ ഗജരജന്മാരാക്കുന്നു.
പണ്ടും-ഇന്നും  ആനകൾക്കു  ക്ഷേത്രങ്ങളിൽ വലിയ സ്ഥാനമാണ്.  വലിയ കൊമ്പുള്ള ഗജരാജൻ ആകർഷണ കേന്ദ്രമാണ് .
വാദ്യമേളത്തിനോപ്പിച്ച്  ചെവിയട്ടിനില്ക്കുന്ന ആനയെ കണ്ണിമയെക്കാതെ കാണ്ടാസ്വതിക്കാൻ ജനസഹസ്രങ്ങൾ ക്ഷേത്രാഗണത്തിൽ എത്താറുണ്ട് എന്ന് പറഞ്ഞാൽ അതൊട്ടും അതിശയോക്തിയല്ല.
പത്തു തേങ്ങ , പത്തുകുല പൂവൻപഴം , ശർക്കര , ഇവക്കുപുറമേ തെങ്ങോല , പനയോല, കരിമ്പ്  ഇവ യെല്ലാം ആനകൾ  കഴിക്കും.  മൂന്നു പറയരിയുടെ ചോറ് ഒരാനയുടെ അവകാശം.

Thursday 15 January 2015

Home remedy for Depression

Home remedy for Depression

What is Depression?

Depression is an illness, which involves the mind, body and thoughts. Don?t confuse it with physical weakness which will go away within days. It is in fact a condition, which interferes in our daily routine and causes unnecessary problems in our daily life.

Causes of Depression
There are plenty of factors, which cause depression in humans; these mainly include genetic causes, hormonal changes, deficiency of vitamin B complex, stress and trauma, biochemical causes, environmental factors and other physiological disorders such as eating disorders and anxiety disorders.

Home remedy for Depression
Several home remedies help cure depression. Some of them are follows:

1 - Rose petals when boiled in water and consumed provide relief from depression.

2 - Eat apple with honey and milk. This will enlighten your mood and will bring you out of depression; it is a proven home remedy for depression.

3 - Drinking licorice tea can also treat depression. However, don?t drink it more than three cups.

4 - The powder of Asparagus root is also an effective home remedy that helps cure depression.

5 - A normal immersion bath when taken for duration of one hour daily can also prove beneficial in bringing you out from depression.

6 - Seedpod of the plant Griffonia Simplicifolia known as 5HTP when consumed while feeling depressed works wonders. This is because it produces serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain, which provides relief from depression.

7 - A tea made up of mixture of basil leaves and sage when consumed also provides relief from depression. This is a proven home remedy that goes into curing depression.

Eating powder of cardamom seeds can also effectively bring you out of depression. Boil the powder in hot water, add some sugar for taste, and then drink the tea two times a day.

9 - Meditation and relaxation are also an efficient cure for depression. Meditation creates a balance in the nervous system, which is vital to cure stress and depression.

10 - A mixture of nutmeg powder and fresh amla juice when taken three times a day can easily bring you out of depression. This is also one of the proven home remedies for depression.

Apart from these home remedies, you will also have to make changes to your diet. This is because diet has a fundamental effect on curing of depression. Hence resort to a balanced diet as a even a slight nutritional deficiency can deteriorate the situation

Be Like Little Children

Be Like Little Children

When little children stumble and fall, they may cry for a bit, 
but then they stand up and carry on. In the same way, we too have to be persistent like little children.

Get over your embarrassment and self consciousness.


A majority of people build their identity around physical achievements, position in life, relationships, and other's opinions, which is like grasping a mirage in the desert - there is no substance or permanence.
Rajyoga teaches us how to understand our original personality as 'souls' and re-emerge our divinity through the remembrance of One Supreme. No matter how much others or even God may try to convince me that I am a worthy individual, until I visualize my own goodness and nurture my self-respect, I cannot do anything with my life. God loves me no matter what I may be like and makes me realize my 'self' by loving me unconditionally.

Limiting Influences On Your Decision Making Ability

With whom does the choice to make your decisions lie? Are you going to be dominated by your fears and others' negatively powerful influences, which paralyze your judgment power and confuse you sometimes or are you going to exercise your choice? When someone dominates you, they control you and make you feel irritated, frustrated and weak; they satisfy their own ego like that by controlling you and bringing you under their influence. You need to decide if you are comfortable being a victim of the other by being the one who satisfies the egos of others. It is not a very healthy attitude, on their part, but it happens in many relationships and we fall prey to that, because of a lack of spiritual power. Get back your personal ruling and controlling power and do not be afraid to be free and responsible for your choices. From today on, promise yourself that you will not allow your husband or wife, or children, or your friend, or mother-in-law, or your office colleague, anybody for that matter, influence the power of choice, the power to decide, that you possess. In the end, that way they will be happier; perhaps not at first, because a power game is created. Your personal freedom will lead to a healthier relationship, in the long run. Its fine to take an opinion or a viewpoint or support from someone, but there is a fine line between that and being controlled by someone, which we, many a times cross, and become a victim. 

You are free when you take responsibility for what you are and how you feel. In meditation you can realize everything that has influenced you and know how to clear it, so that only the highest, the most positive influence you. This depends on each one of us. In our present society, there are many influencing factors, from the most negative, violent, corrupt and mediocre, to the purest, highest and most spiritual. It depends on each one what you want to consume and allow to be influenced by.

Soul Sustenance

To Complement And Not To Compete

We all have a place within this beautiful embroidery of life; let us know it, enjoy it, express it as our right, but never overdo it because we feel our role or position is more advanced or better than others. Sometimes, when there is a sense of personal or collective emptiness, there is the need to be recognized, which creates attachment to your own talents, role or virtues. 

We have to learn to complement rather than compete. Nature works on the principle of complementarity. This can be seen with the seasons, day and night, the continual cyclical process of birth, growth, maturity, decay, death and rebirth. Even our bodies work on this principle. Look at the face! Each face has two eyes, one nose, one mouth, two ears, all in the right position and functioning in an appropriate way. Which of these is more important? Would you say the eyes are more important, so you would prefer to have three eyes and no nose? Or would you say the nose is more important, so you would prefer to have three noses and no ears? We cannot think like this because it is absurd and illogical. Each feature has equal value and when we recognize the equal value of all things, then we stop being illogical - comparing, competing, feeling superior or inferior, or striving to be what we are not. In a society that functions, can everyone be a doctor, an engineer or a farmer? Everyone has different talents and positions because different tasks have to be fulfilled if the whole society is to run well. If we examine life carefully, we realize that the recognition of this principle of complementarity is the basis of creating a peaceful and happy coexistence, because the vision of equality respects and honors the differences.

Message for the day

Honesty to the self brings progress at a quick speed.

Expression: To be honest with one self is to be truly honest. When there is honesty with the self, there is the ability to see things clearly. So one is able to take responsibility for the mistakes committed and have the enthusiasm to learn from them. So there is constant change and progress visible in such a person. At all times there is the ability to bring about change. 

Experience: When I am honest with myself, I am able to find the joy of learning from my mistakes. Mistakes don't make me heavy because I know I have something to learn from them. There is constantly enthusiasm to bring about a change and move forward. So I find that I am constantly progressing and also becoming an inspiration for many to bring about change. My honesty, therefore, makes me a true leader.


Homemade Mouthwash to Get Rid of Bad Breath

Traditional mouthwash is usually made with a sharp mint flavor to make our breath smell fresh and pleasant. However, mint only masks the smell and actually feeds the odor-causing bacteria with more sugar. Also, most commercial brands of mouthwash are made up mostly from synthetic colors, flavors and chemicals that are nowhere near good for you.

Instead of just pretending to freshen your breath, you can make your own mouthwash at home using natural ingredients that will clean your mouth from the bottom up. This mouthwash is made from ingredients that you likely have a home, so give it a shot (literally) and get to know the homemade goodness you've been missing!

About the ingredients:

Honey: This ingredient has a number of anti-bacterial properties that kill off all the bad bacteria in your mouth, instead of feeding them with sugar. Also, adding honey makes the wash taste better. Use organic or raw honey for the best results.

Cinnamon: A miracle spice in every way, cinnamon gets rid of odor by killing off the odor-causing bacteria in one blast. The International Association for Dental Research found that people who chewed cinnamon gum had a 50 percent decrease in oral bacteria versus people who chewed mint gum.

Lemon: The last ingredient of this mouthwash is a given; lemon is strong, refreshing and cleansing, so it will wash all the hidden food and bacteria from your mouth. It has whitening properties. Just make sure not to add too much lemon because it can erode your enamel if not used properly.

Recipe makes: One small bottle of mouthwash
Juice of 2 freshly squeezed lemons
1/2 tablespoon of ground cinnamon
1/2 or 1 teaspoon baking soda (more whitening properties)
1 1/2 teaspoon of honey
1 cup of warm water (to melt the honey)
A clean bottle or jar with a lid

Mix together all of the ingredients and give it a shake. Swish or gargle 1-2 tablespoons of the mouthwash for a minute after brushing your teeth or whenever you want to freshen your breath. Don't use the mouthwash more than once to twice a day (the lemon is very acidic).

Enjoy your fresh breath and clean mouth and take pride in your fantastic homemade mouthwash!

Small Acts of Kindness

This story is about a person working with a freezer plant. 
It was almost the day end. Everyone had packed up to check out.
A technical snag developed the plant and he went to check.
By the time he finished it was late. The doors were sealed and the lights were off.
Trapped inside the ice plant whole night without air and light, an icy grave was almost sure for him.
Hours passed thus. Suddenly he found someone opening the door.
Was it a miracle?
The security guard entered there with a torch light and helped him to come out.
On the way back the person asked the security guard, “How did you know that I am inside?” “Who informed you?” the guard said, “None sir; this unit has about 50 people. But you are the only one who says Hello to me in the morning and bye in the evening.
You had reported in morning. But did not go out. That made me suspicious.”
Never did the person know that a small gesture of greeting someone would prove to be a lifesaver for him. 
So do us. 
Remember to greet when you meet someone, of course with a warm smile. 
We don’t know; that may work a miracle in your life too.



Hope is life. Yes, hope is the driving force and it pushes the life forward and makes the life fruitful and worthiness for living. Positive thinking will enhance the life standards and reduces the stress levels.

These following 10 points will help you to have a life with full of hope and positive thoughts.

1. Never get despair yourself for every simple defeat and take strong decision to work harder than the previous attempt..

2. Don't be always in a hurry mood, as hurry makes you worry. Have the patience and wait for some more time looking hopefully for the result. Certainly you will get the good result, as per the hard labour put by you.

3. Never show sympathy upon yourself. Instead you make yourself more capable and dependable..

4. Never allow anxiety to overtake you. Develop this type of thinking as, still what I have to do?

5. People around you, are needn't be either your supporters or opposites, your thinking must be in that manner. Moreover they are busy in their daily chores, that point you must ever keep in mind ever.

6. It is very difficult to please everyone always.

The quotation is like this: "If you want to please all, you please none".

7. Never afraid of the changes that may occur in the circumstances where you are working but try adjust to them which gives relief from stress and strain.

8. Be of the opinion that you are helping others and not think like that others are utilizing you..

9. Never worry that you are in troubles and there is no way out.

But remember the quotation: "Where there is will, there is a way". For every problem, there is a solution.

10. You have got your thinking capacity and you need not depend on others for simple things.

Speak to others sincerely and live heart fully. Always laugh with others (it is not good to laugh at others).

Be friendly with others as far as possible. Be plain in your dealings. A sincere person is always liked by others.


Many successes can be attributed to those who dream.
Dreaming is a gift where you cansee things not as they are, but as they could be. People who never dream, or never set goals, let life go by day by day letting others determine their destiny. Without dreams, you don't set goals; you are forced to accept what you have today. As children, we had lots of dreams. When we get older,some of us lose our dreams and our ambitions, and are content to accept mediocrity. Everything that has ever been accomplished, every skyscraper, every bridge, every invention,every medical breakthrough, all started with a dream!

Whatever is yours, will always be yours. Anything that goes away, was never yours even before. If you know this, you will be at PEACE.

There is only 1 difference between ..

Dream require Effortless SLEEP..

Whereas Aim require SLEEPLESS Efforts..

Sleep 4 DREAMS 

Wake up 4 AIMS.....

Healthy Swaps

 Healthy Swaps

Changing habits can be a challenge! How many times have you tried to stop doing something, only to slide back into the habit?

You might just find it easier to swap than to stop. Swap one unhealthy habit with a healthier habit that works for you.

Swap: a chocolate bar with an apple; 10 min walk rather than jumping on the bus; crunchy veggies instead of greasy snacks


Periodic Fasting May Help Prevent Diabetes

Periodic fasting may convert bad cholesterol to energy and reduce the risk of diabetes through a new biological process discovered by researchers.
According to a recent study, after a person fasts for a period of 10 to 12 hours, the body searchers for alternative sources of energy. During that process, researchers note that the body extracts low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol from fat cells and converts it into energy.
“When we studied the effects of fasting in apparently healthy people, cholesterol levels increased during the 1-time 24-hour fast,” said Benjamin Horne, PhD, the study’s lead researcher and director of cardiovascular and genetic epidemiology at the Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute.
“Together with our prior studies that showed decades of routine fasting was associated with a lower risk of diabetes and coronary artery disease, this led us to think that fasting is most impactful for reducing the risk of diabetes and related metabolic problems.”
After reviewing the results of a previous study that showed an association between 1-day, water-only fasting in health participants and weight loss and lower glucose levels, Horne and colleagues conducted a new study to look at how fasting affects prediabetes over an extended period of time.
Participants included pre diabetes patients—men and women between the ages of 30 and 69—that exhibited at least 3 metabolic risk factors (high blood pressure, high fasting blood sugar, high triglyceride level, and a large waistline).
Horne noted that during fasting days, cholesterol increased slightly, however, over a 6-week period, patients lost weight and their cholesterol levels waned by approximately 12%.
Researchers also observed that the conversion process of LDL (through fat cells) to energy nullified insulin resistance.
“The fat cells themselves are a major contributor to insulin resistance, which can lead to diabetes,” Horne said. “Because fasting may help to eliminate and break down fat cells, insulin resistance may be frustrated by fasting.”


       Life Is Beautiful, Admire It  
   Dont let a day go by without doing something… no matter how  small.

   Dont waste a minute not being happy. If one window closes, run to the next window or break down a door.

   Dont try to be different. Just be good. To be good is different enough.

   The real ornament of woman is her character, her purity."

    Dont cry because its over, smile because it happened.

    Dont compare your Life with others..You have no idea what their journey is all about.

   Remember that Silence is sometimes the best answer !!!

   No one is in charge of your happiness except YOU !

   Open your arms to change but dont give up your values…


Without ” I ” ?

How Can You ” Sm_le ” Without ” I ” ?


How Can You ” Sm_le ” Without ” I ” ?

How Can You be ” al_ve ” Without ” I ” ?

How Can You ” W_sh ” Without ” I ” ?

How Can You be a ” fr_end ” Without ” I ” ?

” I ” am Very important But this ” I ” 
Can Never achieve ” S_ccess ” Without ” U ” ;)


Wednesday 14 January 2015

Beautiful Words that Cannot Be Translated

Beautiful Words that Cannot Be Translated

Every language is unique. It doesn't matter if it has the same roots (e.g. Spanish and Portuguese), each language developed its own unique phrasing, words and meanings. If you're bi-lingual, and you've ever tried to translate from one language to the other, you probably had at least a few times said: "This can't really be translated.", because each language does have words that just don't have a parallel in other languages.
Here are 30 fine examples of some truly great words that just can't be translated into another language.


A Very Touching Story

A Very Touching Story...

Once upon a time a small boy named Hameed lived in a tiny Moroccan village. All his classmates hated him for his stupidity especially his teacher who was always yelling at him, "You are driving me crazy Hameed!!!"

One day his mother went to check out how he is doing at school and the teacher told her honestly that her son is simply a disaster, getting very low marks and never had she seen such a dumb boy in her whole career. The mother could not accept such a feed back and she took her son out from that schoo. she even shifted to another city.

25 years later, that teacher got a cardio disorder and all the doctors have advised her to go for an open heart operation which only one surgeon could perform. Left with no other choice she did it and the surgery was successful. When she opened her eyes, she saw a handsome doctor smiling to her, being under anesthesia effect, she wanted to thank him but could not talk, in turn, he was staring at her face which started turning blue, she was raising her hand trying to tell him some thing but in vain and eventually died.

The doctor was shocked and was trying to understand what just happened, till he turned back and saw our friend Hameed working as a cleaner in that hospital who unplugged the ventilator to connect his vacuum cleaner.

Don't tell me you were thinking that Hameed became a doctor..

