Tuesday 6 January 2015

About the Dog

 What is There to Say About the Dog?

Dogs have long ago stopped being just animals. To us, a dog is also a symbol - A symbol of endless loyalty, of love given without asking for it to be returned. We look to the dog and hope to find its strength and love in us. We look to the dog and learn how to be true friends and true members of a loving family.

Those of us who have had dogs in our lives, know that there is much to say about this wonderful animal, and so we bring you a few touching and oh-so-true quotes on the matter.

Blind Dog Saves Drowning Girl - It's A Miracle
A blind — yes, you’re reading this right, BLIND — dog named Norman jumped in to save a drowning girl, and it’s a story straight out of a movie! A MIRACLE happens. … when 15-year-old Lisa came for a visit, she went swimming, but the tide suddenly caught her. As she was drowning, Norman ran fearlessly into the water to save her. 

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