Thursday 11 September 2014

Health Monitoring Gadgets

Best Health Monitoring Gadgets you need to own

by Editor on 09/02/2014

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Trying to stay fit? Great. What perhaps isn’t, is all the planning and tracking that goes into a successful fitness regimen. Luckily, you don’t have to go it alone anymore. Thanks to some nifty breakthroughs in technology, there is now literally a bevy of gadgets that will happily accompany you to the gym, take a splash in the pool, run up the stairs or take a bite of the burger (well, almost!) for you. Their sole aim? To note every change in your breath and every flux in your pulse, making sure you’re hitting your fitness goals, and suggesting areas where you can improve (or where you are overdoing it). Sounds heavensent?  If you know how to make the best of them, they definitely are. So how about we take a quick look at some of them?

First one under the spotlight is the Nike Fuel-band. Priced a little above Rs 14,000/- on, this is a cool bracelet that, when worn around the wrist, makes a note of everything you’re upto, so to speak. Be it the number of steps walked or quantum of calories burnt, the Nike Fuel-band converts it all into a ‘score’ and calls it your ‘fuel’. You can keep track of your activity and your score on your computer or your smartphone, set daily activity goals, measure the progress you make, and get accurate feedback either through apps or through the device itself (which you can then share with friends on social media). Does that make you feel happy already? Guess what? With its Mood Tracker, the Fuel-band will track that, too!

After all that action, you need to crash now. So who’s going to track your sleep (after all, a good night’s sleep is an equally critical part of your fitness regimen, and one your gym instructor or coach can’t overemphasize enough!). Assistance arrives in the form of the FitBit One (Wireless Activity Plus Sleep Tracker). The size of a clothespin, this is a beauty of a devise that doesn’t just monitor your sleep patterns at night, but, indeed, keeps a tab on all regular activities during your waking hours as well, such as the number of steps walked, the number of stairs climbed, calories burnt and even your meals and diet! Syncing up smoothly with your mobile apps (as well as with Loseit, Mapmyfitness, and Runkeeper), consider this your 360 degree ‘digital watch-dog’ that will never let you take a false step. Order it on today (Rs 8,998/-)

Bent on shedding the calories? Burn them like there’s no tomorrow (much like the  contestants on The Biggest Loser) with the BodyMedia 100792 Armband Weight Management System (retailing at Rs 10,650/- on now), which comes endorsed by health and wellness expert Jillian Michaels herself. With its army of four sophisticated sensors, the BodyMedia gets right on top of everything you do – right from what you eat and what you don’t (nutritional analysis) to how much you exercise to how much you sleep (sleep efficiency). Simply sync in the Food Log after plugging the unit into your computer’s USB port, and get the lowdown on your progress (including any personal ‘bests’ reached!). What’s more, the Bluetooth-enabled LINK Armband gets you near real-time updates of your stats with the BodyMedia FIT app. Knowledge, after all, is well, fitness!

If you’re the type who likes to walk the (fitness) talk, you’re going to find great company in Striiv. In essence a smart, touch-screen pedometer, Striiv has its fair share of built-in mini apps to fire you up for your walks. The best part is, you get to share your progress with friends and compete with them by setting daily targets! (Guess what – you can even play cool game like rescuing animals on an enchanted island by walking, running and doing various ‘feet activities’!) Scale the idea to the entire community, and you have a veritable social fund-raiser that allows you to organize charity walks easily. That’s right, walking climbs a notch with Striiv, and so does your fitness. The basic model is available on for Rs 6,537/-.

Some of you will say you already have a very able health gadget on you, even as you read this : Your smartphone. And we couldn’t agree more. There’s a mammoth deal you can accomplish on the personal fitness front with one, as long as you are working the right apps! Just slide the smartphone (check out Amazon India’s comprehensive range if you’re planning to buy one or upgrade) in your pocket before your workout, and let the jingbang of apps track your speed, movement, and activity. The right app will even push you towards better performance by cheering you on and offering instant feedback, reminding you how close you are to your goal (think Shah Rukh Khan in ‘Chak de, India!’). And then there are even those that will equip you with educational resources on optimal health, monitor your blood glucose level, dole out helpful recipes for free, monitors stress and mood swings, send preventive care alerts periodically, tell you where your nearest emergency healthcare centre is located (should you need one) and even offer the latest price-updates and deals on prescription drugs and health supplements.

Planning to get back in shape? Get these gadgets, and you’ll find it’s easier done than said!

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