Thursday 11 September 2014

Winners of the Amazon India

Winners of the Amazon India-Better Photography ‘India Through My Lens’ Contest

by Editor on 08/20/2014

The winners of the Amazon India - Better Photography 'India Through My Lens' Contest were announced yesterday on Better Photography. Participants were asked to submit photographs that would best personify the diversity and culture of India. The response we received was overwhelming - we received over 22,000 entries. Photographer Chirodeep Chaudhuri presided over the judging process, where he selected the following top eight photographs. Congratulations to all the winners!

First Prize:
Ajay Aggarwal from New Delhi is our grand prize winner and will be receiving Rs. 50,000 worth of Amazon gift cards.
India through my lens photography contest

I like this image because of the revellers’ expression that is contrasting with a festival associated with joy and mirth. It is quite peculiar to see four men who have just celebrated Holi, in such a somber mood.Photograph/Ajay Aggarwal 

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